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Soon, Siu-hing in the hands of cloth brought to an end, clicks, machine guns stopped firing continued, Spencer squinted through the smoke looked with satisfaction the direction of a distant target, and stood up. In addition Shibing Yu ( Zdeno Chara jersey in the morning has been a shocking back, the second natural reaction to be much better than others), its Bobby Orr jersey people were in front of stunned, and gunfire had stopped for a moment, but just in the valley machine guns strafed reverberations still linger in everyone ears, around the smoke slowly disappearing in the air, and the distant dust bowl gradually fell down, revealing wood as a target in front of everyone, in front of the original white wooden half now some already do not know where to go to go, leaving only the lower half standing alone in the cold.

Just fifteen seconds for all of us as a century, to these people left a machine gun as if it will never be crushed like impression. This...... What is this? Yung Wing Zhangtailezui not close up, muttering to fight asked with a trembling. Just the sound of machine gun fire Yung Wing scared worse than anyone else. Its Tim Thomas jersey man can, after all, both on the battlefield Bobby Orr jersey grappling for several rounds, many people still inside the reactor from the dead, climb out, Yung Wing to die, Bobby Orr jersey have never been a soldier, there is what is not seen war, nor seen the weapon firing sound, Spencer pulled the trigger, the sound of gunfire Yung Wing scared legs trembling, obviously want to cover your ears with your fingers, but has chosen to keep a finger if the handle...... longer and some of Yung Wing is likely to be the spot scared to wet his pants.

Can be said that the real murder weapon. Yang Husheng previously played only pistols, automatic rifles, submachine guns or something, but has not played guns. Originally thought machine guns but also how much more now under the original technology manufacturing machine guns and how that can not come before his own gun that era analogy, should be able to hold this point of view with appreciation the firing, did not expect to face the first support truly machine-gun fire, he is still being shocked live. If such a machine gun equipped troops that the enemy really is poured blood moldy!Estimated six hundred fat per minute can be achieved, but the actual rate of fire fighting should be made in about four hundred and fifty - mainly incumbent bomb belt. If further improved rate of fire should also be further improved. General Yang You see the large-scale manufacture of such weapons do? Spencer asked cautiously. Shibing Yu looked machine-gun fire in the morning after did not say anything, just shook his head and went to one side, Spencer did not know of such weapons in the end is good, to Yang Husheng heart has been asked before Bobby Orr jersey fifteen buckets to fetch water - butterflies in their stomachs.

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