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Some would say that before this, immigrants from the Ming dynasty, when no such conditions, why the Korean people so well. It is necessary to explain the inside, an immigrant to the main force of the original is a businessman, carried by each vessel mulberry handbags number only a few dozen people who fairly good condition. Secondly, the original has not been nursed back to health is not Han, in order to facilitate immigration, many businessmen are set up on the shore temporary gathering point for immigrants. The Korean immigrants with immigrants before the difference is, this is the large-scale, centralized immigrants.

A ship tend to put on a two hundred people,mulberry outlet, more than five months, the number of migrants reached eighty million people. Such migration patterns, leading to more than twenty thousand North Koreans died on the road due to various reasons, and in order to prevent the occurrence of major infectious diseases, medical department is a headache, like a lot of ways, has taken all possible measures to reduce the deaths and preventing diseases. It can be said that this time the movement, is a Korean Trail of Tears. But, in the Siu Ming deliberately concealed under a dry, knowing that many people did not even a hundred years later, even only looking for clues in the history of the opposition.

Although Xiao Ming has begun to dry Liaodong established a three cement plants,mulberry outlet uk, but production is still not enough, only from Taiwan to the Liaodong transport. Ever since innumerable cement, steel and so on material transported to the Liaodong crazy, the whole Liaodong have become a huge construction site. The home has been プラダ バッグ stored for two years also eat people food Liaodong That believe in the Chinese Empire, food never have to worry about such things. In order to make their lives become better, to make their families and those from Taiwan can, from Sakhalin to the people as live in a beautiful small building, in order to allow their children to enter school just established reading, or even to make their daughter or wife is more beautiful, millions of people gathered to Liaodong top of each construction site work.

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