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Zhao Yi 's soul did not stay down, but continue to move forward, after the exploration of the whole piece veil are extremely thorough, Zhao Yi finally started trying to drive this veil of ! However, although this time the repair Zhao Yi cut to the heart of, but if you want to drive this piece of bright shining little glow, glass brilliance throughout its veil on, that was some difficulty ! Zhao Yi, after several attempts, without success ! Zhao Yi is not in a hurry, but go on like this, is not the answer, we can not get in after a treasure, so go to waste away, it is still among the mysterious bracelet Yang, do it !But is this brief effort, Zhao Yi refused to give up, because jordan shoes sale knew that if he was trying to try several times, will be able to bring this veil driven ! After a short break, Zhao Yi began to drive veil, this time jordan shoes online but will be fully integrated into the consciousness of the veil among the aim is to be able to drive up the veil in one canada goose parka fell swoop. Side of the Fox and Yan Zi Mei Zhao Yi is strongly driven to see the veil, nor approached bother, she looked so quietly to the side, how can we not want to see Zhao Yi able to drive this magic wand, use up only drive up the veil to be able to better use !

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Then the fox Mei Yan Zi and close attention to the side of Zhao Yi 's every move, when you see the quivering veil falling down from the sky, can not help to Zhao Yi to sweat, when the Mei Yan Zi fox trot and walked beside Zhao Yi, concerns and asked: Zhao Yi, how are you ? Zhao Yi after just soul overdraft, this time it has been somewhat difficult to support it! Moment sitting cross-legged on the ground ! See Mei Yan Zi Both Fox and anxious to go over, he said on jordan shoes online : Nothing, just a jordan shoes online too anxious, so it strengthens the soul, causing such consequences !

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